
Tom Sawyer Und Huckleberry Finn Film

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amazonian763 Comentarios de Estados Unidos el 16 de noviembre de 2018

2.0 de 5 estrellas

No Spark

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Out of all the adaptions of Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn I've ever seen, this has to be the worst. I wanted to like information technology, I really did, especially seeing as both of the lead actors have been really practiced in other things. The entire thing was a mess though, from start to cease. The acting itself was not corking from anyone. Information technology seemed almost like a rehearsal that someone decided to record fifty-fifty though no one was ready.
From the guy who played Mark Twain to Aunt Polly (her surgically enhanced lips were very distracting) the casting just didn't work. Anybody literally sounds like they're reading from a book as they speak. There'south no life in the actors optics, no belief that what they're proverb is true. Some of the scenes seem like they should have been outtakes, with actors stumbling over their lines/virtually forgetting what they are supposed to say, to the narrator voice over not matching what was happening on the screen at the right moment. The entire movie was just lacking, from the weird accents that fade in and out (one of mark twain's grandkids kept going from a british accent to a stereotypical southern emphasis, and it was eye-rolling) likewise as the accents from Tom and Huck (seriously the manager should have only let them speak in their normal voices, information technology would accept been less cringy.) I besides don't understand why they took certain liberties with Huck's costume; why the choker or the strange ribbons around his arm? They didn't add together to the look at all. During the film I became so bored that I started to brand notes on what I would have fixed had I been the director instead (that's when I KNOW it's a bad film haha)
I'm bummed that this wasn't meliorate. I think it could have been slap-up in theory but there were too many important aspects of the film that were messed upwards, and I wouldn't recommend this one if you're looking for a Tom/Huck run a risk movie. I'd go for the 1995/1996 1 with Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Brad Refro.

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Miss Josh Emmett Comentarios de Estados Unidos el 16 de mayo de 2021

five.0 de v estrellas

DON'T Intendance, I LOVED IT

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This is a story of two boys who hate schoolhouse, like girls, and wanna have adventures and fun. Unsupervised, they autumn into trouble (sometimes literally) and accept to get their manner out of information technology. And lying never solves the problem, it gets you in deeper.

Jake T. Austin as Huck proves he is more than Max on Waverly Place. He turns in a solid functioning and is intriguing. Tom Courtenay, every bit Tom, has the brains but would rather be a fancy-free Huck. He shows both sides. It is total of fun and adventure and few scary moments. Just what a good teen flick should be. Yeah, spotter out for a couple of 'damns' merely at that place is no real foul language in this at all. No nudity. No gore. Lord, preserve us!

The reviews emphasize that it doesn't follow the original story. Information technology never claims to. Too many people are caught up in the Jim story and forget that Marking Twain wrote more than that 1 story. (It is alluded to at the end.) Not anybody wants to sit and watch a documentary on parental abuse, orphans, slavery, etc. Yep, the original is nearly all these social things, and more, but this motion-picture show is about boys being boys. Why can't we watch a fun movie without being hit over the head all the time with life beingness nothing but pain and agony? This is why we sentry movies. To escape. For all the whiney parents...make your children read the book (horrors) is a more frightening it aloud to your kids and explain the realities of life. Meanwhile, permit them have some fun, not videos games.

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Amazon Customer Comentarios de Estados Unidos el x de noviembre de 2019

1.0 de 5 estrellas

AT least its free.

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watched this with my nine year old because it was free, and tom and huck (Disney version) wasn't, its non good. the writers who adjusted the novel took parts from the Adventures of Huckleberry finn and added information technology to the Tom Sawyer story. And did and so poorly. They left out other parts or maybe its the editors who did this, apace cascaded through important grapheme building parts of the story making Tom and huck and muff potter into likable characters, and in the end Muff rather than just being the town drunkard (and peradventure idiot) but not bad man into existence simply a simple minded fool. Huck in this motion picture just comes off as an ignorant kid post-obit his friend about rather than a kid whose had information technology incredibly rough in life talks tough but has a loyal middle of gilded. Becky was just … well not that she was always a major character, but she goes from being an important supporting character to more of a side notation in this movie. And no one comes off as they are able to act! There were familiar names in this movie, Val Kilmer, and both the lead boys were familiar names. I was less than impressed. I idea Kilmer would play judge thatcher but instead he plays Marking Twain. All this negativity being said I will say at that place are things I appreciate, one. I appreciate how twain tells the story as if information technology happened in real life, because Tom Sawyer was inspired past his own boyhood and Huck Finn was inspired by his childhood best friend, I do like that yous can see the sadness in the terminate when a kid asks if the boys always saw each other again and Twain says no they did not. Possibly the just emotion in the whole movie. 2. I do appreciate how at the terminate the try and tie both novels together appropriately if not well, as sawyer and Aunt polly go off to travel on a steamer there sit Jim and Huck on the raft heading to Cairo, Illinois. I appreciate the attempt, still it kind of falls flat because some major sequences from Huck Finn had previously been borrowed for whatever reason earlier in the movie. When this movie was over I rented the Adventures of Huck Finn for my nine yr old. again Disney version from early 90s. My son who seemed bored by this movie was completely enthralled with Huck Finn.

A 5 personas les pareció útil

Jeremy Schell Comentarios de Estados Unidos el 24 de mayo de 2018

1.0 de 5 estrellas

You become a prize if you can arrive through the first 60 minutes.

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This was painfully bad. There are actors with potential that must have been instructed to pretend that they'd never acted or front of a camera...ever. As a fan of Twain's stories, this movie does an abysmal job of reflecting the civilization, language, and style of the books. The scenes that should have been fun...were boring. Don't waste your fourth dimension.

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Macanoodough Comentarios de Estados Unidos el 14 de junio de 2018

i.0 de v estrellas

So many people don't get Mark Twain and this picture ...

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So many people don't get Marking Twain and this picture proves it. Yous cannot make a Tom Sawyer/Blueberry Finn today without backlash. Non for the racial language either, but from every other attribute of who these characters are. Free thinking, rebellious and vulgar. Everything society does not desire in it's children today.

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Herlinda Comentarios de Estados Unidos el 7 de enero de 2018

two.0 de 5 estrellas

Doesn't follow the traditional story fully, disappointed

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Does not follow the literary story. Mixes up elements between 2 books, Tom Sawyer and Blueberry Finn, into 1 story, and information technology merely doesn't piece of work. I don't write many reviews, but this story actually irritated me as it messed up a literature classic.

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Elizabeth Comentarios de Estados Unidos el 29 de diciembre de 2018

five.0 de 5 estrellas

Nephew loved this movie!

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Watched this with my nephew. He usually has his caput buried in his tablet. Well not when he visits me. We do stuff, make stuff, build stuff, play and learn stuff! He said he didn't want to watch this film considering it only had three stars... I had him watch the trailer so asked if he wanted to watch the whole film. He said yeah! I told him non to guess before he had more than info. We watched the pic and he loved information technology. Said I should add together another star... or all the stars!

A 5 personas les pareció útil

Stephen Comentarios de Estados Unidos el 12 de julio de 2020

ane.0 de 5 estrellas

It deserves zero stars

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The Original story is about a immature male child emancipating a slave. Bad acting aside, this version is and so whitewashed and politically "right" that it won't even employ the term "white-wash" in reference to painting Aunt Polly'south fence. You don't have to employ the catamenia vernacular in referring to Mr. Jim, but at least have the decency to not endeavour and alter history. Those who forget history are indeed doomed to repeating it. This pic is cipher more than a cheap attempt at forcing the adjacent generation to forget.

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