
How To Change File Associations In Windows 7

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How to change file associations by right-clicking on a file in Windows seven
  3. How to change file associations through the Set up Associations Control Console in Windows 7
  4. How to prepare the default programs for an unknown extension in Windows 7


When you open files that accept a particular file extension, Windows will await at its configuration to determine what the default plan should be in order to work with these files. The default program that is assigned to a particular extension, though, may not exist what you lot want to utilize. Therefore, information technology is possible to alter the default plan that is launched when you double-click on a detail file type. This tutorial will discuss how you can open a file using another programme or to assign a new programme to extensions that have non been opened before.

How to change file associations by right-clicking on a file in Windows seven

To change the default program a file blazon is opened with, search for the file you wish to change and right-click on it to bring up the file menu as shown below.

File menu

At the above menu, please select the Open with menu option. Yous will then be presented with a screen similar to the one below that shows the available programs that y'all can open the file with.

Open With dialog

To change the default program that this file is opened with, please click on the Cull default program... option. You lot volition then exist shown the Open with dialog as shown below.

Open With screen

In this screen y'all will see a department called Recommended Programs that contains known programs that can properly open up and dispense the file in question. This does not mean that at that place are not other programs on your computer that can properly manipulate the file as well. To alter the default program to one of these unlisted programs, but click on the Browse... button.

You volition now exist presented with a window where you lot tin can browse to the executable that yous wish to utilise to open these types of files. Once yous take found the executable, select it past left-clicking on it once so it becomes highlighted and so click on the Open button. You will at present exist at the Open up With window, simply should see other programs listed under the Other Programs listing and the program you lot browsed to will be selected and highlighted as shown in the image below.

New program selected

With the new program that y'all wish to use selected, make sure there is a check mark in the Always use the selected plan to open this kind of file checkbox. Then press the OK button. The file should now have been opened using the program you selected and these types of programs will now automatically exist opened past this program.

How to change file associations through the Set Associations Command Panel in Windows 7

This method will permit y'all to alter the default program for a particular extension using the Ready Associations control panel. This control panel contains a listing of all known file extensions and the default programs that are assigned to them.

Offset, click on the Windows 7 Commencement button. This is the pocket-size circular push (Windows 7 Start Button) in the lower left corner of your screen that has a Windows flag on it. When the Outset Menu opens, type gear up clan in the search field as shown in the epitome below.

Start Menu Search

When you see the Make a file blazon always open in a specific program listing announced, as shown by the black pointer in the image above, click on information technology to open the Set Associations Control Panel.

When the control panel opens you will meet a screen similar to the one beneath.

Set Associations control panel

Whorl through the list of file extensions till you find the 1 that you wish to change the default program. When yous detect it, left-click on information technology once to select it and then click on the Change Program... push. In our example, we will exist changing the .txt extension. You will then exist shown the Open up with dialog as shown below.

Choose program dialog

In this screen you will see a section chosen Recommended Programs that contains known programs that tin can properly open and manipulate the file in question. This does not mean that at that place are not other programs on your computer that can properly manipulate the file as well. To change the default program to one of these programs, simply click on the Browse... button.

Yous will now be presented with a window where you can browse to the executable that you wish to apply to open these types of files. One time yous have found the executable, select it by left-clicking on it once so information technology becomes highlighted and then click on the Open up push button. You volition at present be at the Open With window, just should see some new programs listed under the Other Programs list and the program you browsed to will be selected and highlighted every bit shown in the epitome below.

Choose program dialog

With the new plan that yous wish to utilise selected, make sure there is a check mark in the Ever utilize the selected program to open this kind of file checkbox, and and then press the OK button.

You lot volition now be dorsum at the Fix Associations Control Panel, just with the new program associated with the .txt extension as shown in the image beneath.

Choose program dialog

Files that take the particular file extension that you changed will at present automatically open up with the new programme when you double-click on them. Yous can now press the Close push button to close the Control Console.

How to ready the default programs for an unknown extension in Windows vii

At times yous may have files that take a file extension that is not know to Windows. Therefore, when you lot endeavor to double-click on them to open up them, Windows will not know what program to use and y'all will run into a dialog box that states Windows can't open this file. This tutorial will explain how to assign a default plan to this new file type and then that it can be opened automatically with the program of your pick when you double-click on information technology.

To assign a plan, but double-click on the file that you wish to assign a programme to. When you double-click on information technology, Windows volition display a dialog box that states it tin't open this file.

Choose program dialog

At this signal yous accept 2 choices. If you practise not know which programme to use, you lot can select the Employ the Web service to find the correct program option and click on the OK button. Windows will open up a web browser to a Microsoft web page that displays possible programs that you lot can download and install that volition allow y'all to open these types of files.

On the other mitt, if you know of a program that is already installed on your computer that can open up these files you lot should click on the Select a plan from a listing of installed programs and then click on the OK button. You will then be presented with the Open with screen equally shown below.

Choose program dialog

In the above screen you should enter a description for this type of file in the Type a description that you lot desire to use for this kind of file: field. When inbound the description, try to offer information as to what program this file belongs to or contains. You should also come across a list of programs that may be able to open the file. If the program you wish to utilise is listed, but left-click on it once to select it. If it is non listed, then click on the Browse... button.

Yous will at present be presented with a window where yous can scan to the executable that you lot wish to use to open these types of files. One time you lot have plant the executable, select it by left-clicking on it one time so information technology becomes highlighted and then click on the Open push. Y'all will at present be at the Open up With window, only should run across other programs listed nether the Other Programs list and the program yous browsed to will be selected and highlighted as shown in the image beneath.

Choose program dialog

With the new plan that y'all wish to use selected, make sure at that place is a bank check marking in the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file checkbox, and and then press the OK button. The file should now have been opened using the program y'all selected and from now volition be automatically exist opened by this program as well.


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